Who We Are

Pain BC is a collaborative non-profit organization comprised of people in pain, clinicians, researchers, and other supporters. Founded in 2008, its mission is to improve the lives of people in pain through empowerment, education, and innovation.  Persistent pain is defined as pain that lasts longer than 3 months, the time it typically takes for an injury to heal.

What We Do

Pain BC provides a number of resources for people with persistent pain, caregivers and health care providers:

  • Pain Support Line: Trained volunteers provide a safe space for people to talk about pain and its impacts on their lives, along with support and resources that can help with managing pain (e.g. help with filling out various forms and applications, finding a physician who is accepting new patients, and much more). Call toll-free at 1-844-880-PAIN (7246).
  • Pain BC website: A centralized website containing resources for people with pain and caregivers, as well as educational opportunities and resources for health care providers who are interested in improving their clinical practice in the assessment and treatment of chronic pain.
  • Live Plan Be websiteA free online self-management resource website that provides evidence-based articles, videos and other materials on pain-related topics. People with pain can use assessment tools to track their health and can participate in an anonymous discussion forum to ask questions and connect with others.
  • Coaching for Health program: Highly trained volunteers provide free one-on-one phone support to help people learn self-management skills, regain function and improve their wellbeing. Referrals can be made by any licensed medical professional.

The Ministry of Health Patients as Partners Initiative provides funding for pain related services for patients, families and caregivers.

Website: www.painbc.ca

Pain BC also offers free in-person support groups for people living with persistent pain. To find out more, please visit https://painbc.ca/about/programs/pain-support-wellness-groups