Events from April 5, 2023 – November 13, 2023 – BC Ministry of Health – Patients as Partners Events from April 5, 2023 – November 13, 2023 – BC Ministry of Health – Patients as Partners

All events are free and open to the public.
Please register in advance for an event with the organizer through the links provided.

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Care Aware: BC’s Virtual Thematic Caregiver Support Group; Family Caregivers of BC

Date: October 4, 2023 Time: 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Location: Virtual PLEASE NOTE: We have closed all registrations for this Summer/Fall Season, and will take registrations in December for the Winter/Spring Care Aware: BC’s Virtual Thematic Caregiver Support Group We invite caregivers from across BC to our new monthly thematic peer support group, featuring specific scheduled topics at … Continued


Caregivers Connect: BC’s Virtual Caregiver Café; Family Caregivers of BC

Caregivers Connect: BC’s Virtual Caregiver Café (Free Peer Support Group) Time: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Location: Virtual Event Date/time: 2nd Thursday of each month from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. PT Description:  This monthly peer support group brings people from across the province together around a shared experience of caregiving for a family member or friend. Registration: You must pre-register … Continued


Greater Victoria Caregiver Support Group at Yakimovich Wellness Centre (Free); Family Caregivers of BC

Caregiver Community Cafe Date: October 16, 2023 Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Location: In person: Yakimovich Wellness Centre, 1454 Hillside Ave, Victoria, BC or Streamed Virtually on Zoom Join us for a free cup of tea or coffee at our Fall Caregiver Café! Enjoy an inspiring presentation by Rosella Leslie about her journey and book: Losing Us – … Continued


Working Caregivers Connect: BC Virtual Support Group (Free); Family Caregivers of BC

Working Caregivers Connect: BC Virtual Support Group (Free) Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Location: Virtual Event Date/Time: 4th Tuesday each month from 7:00pm- 8:30pm Description: We invite working caregivers to our  monthly peer support group for working caregivers. Please register for each instance of the support group you wish to attend. Registration Information: Register in advance here!  You will get … Continued


Diabetes Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management; Vancouver

Diabetes Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the province. … Continued


Chronic Conditions Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management; Victoria

Chronic Pain Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the … Continued


Chronic Pain Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management; Nanaimo

Chronic Pain Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the … Continued


Chronic Conditions Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management

Chronic Conditions Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the … Continued


Chronic Pain Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management; Victoria

Chronic Pain Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the … Continued


Chronic Conditions Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management; Vancouver

Chronic Conditions Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the … Continued


Chronic Condition Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management; Richmond – In Cantonese

Chronic Condition Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the … Continued

Diabetes Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management

Diabetes Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the province. … Continued


Chronic Pain Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management; Sidney

Chronic Pain Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the … Continued


Cancer: Thriving & Surviving Self-Management Program – Virtual; UVic Self-Management

Cancer: Thriving & Surviving Self-Management Program - Virtual; UVic Self-Management The Virtual Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs delivered virtually. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs … Continued


Diabetes Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management; Richmond; Punjabi

Diabetes Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the province. … Continued


Chronic Pain Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management

Chronic Pain Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the … Continued

Understanding and Managing Your Chronic Pain; UBC iCON

This interview-style webinar will address many aspects of managing chronic pain, including when and how to seek help, and practical tips for self-managment of chronic pain. Delivered in Cantonese by Physiatrist Dr. Richard Ho. For more information contact Jo-Anne Rockwood at To register please go to:  

Living with Chronic Pain; UBC iCON

This in-person workshop will explore how to understand chronic pain, tips on how to manage it, and how physical therapy can reduce symptoms. Hear from Pain Specialist Dr. Kshitij Chawla and Physiotherapist Dr. Kuljeet Cheema. Delivered in Panjabi at Newton Library. For more information please contact: Jo-Anne Rockwood at


Chronic Condition Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management; Richmond

Chronic Condition Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the … Continued

Caregiver Support Group Facilitator Training; Family Caregivers of BC

Caregiver Support Group Facilitator Training Date: October 30, 2023 Time: 10:00 am to 12:30 pm Location: Virtual Caregiver Support Group Facilitator Training October 30- November 2, 10-12:30 Family Caregivers of British Columbia is seeking caregiver support program staff and volunteers who can listen with compassion and who have caregiving experience or knowledge of family caregiver issues and concerns. We … Continued

Virtual Journal Workshop for Caregivers – Fall Session; Family Caregivers of BC

Virtual Journal Workshop for Caregivers – Fall Session Starts October 31, 2023 then every Tuesday until December 12, 2023 Time: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Location: Virtual The Journal Workbook is much more than a diary or collection of exercises. It is an integrated system of writing activities to access your feelings, life events and spiritual inclinations in … Continued

Caregiver Support Group Facilitator Training; Family Caregivers of BC

Date: October 30, 2023 Time: 10:00 am to 12:30 pm Location: Virtual Caregiver Support Group Facilitator Training October 30- November 2, 10-12:30 Family Caregivers of British Columbia is seeking caregiver support program staff and volunteers who can listen with compassion and who have caregiving experience or knowledge of family caregiver issues and concerns. We provide this training to increase … Continued


Greater Victoria Caregiver Support Group; Family Caregivers of BC; Victoria

Hillside Seniors Health Centre - Yakimovich Victoria

Date: November 13, 2023 Time: 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm Location: Yakimovic Wellness Centre 1454 Hillside Avenue, Victoria BC. Date/time: Every 2nd Monday of the Month from 1:30pm to 3:00pm Location: Yakimovic Wellness Centre 1454 Hillside Avenue, Victoria BC. Description: Our monthly Victoria Caregiver Support Group brings caregivers together based on a mutual experience of caregiving for a family member or friend. … Continued