Events from April 13, 2023 – November 13, 2023 – BC Ministry of Health – Patients as Partners Events from April 13, 2023 – November 13, 2023 – BC Ministry of Health – Patients as Partners

All events are free and open to the public.
Please register in advance for an event with the organizer through the links provided.

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Caregivers Connect: BC’s Virtual Caregiver Café; Family Caregivers of BC

Caregivers Connect: BC’s Virtual Caregiver Café (Free Peer Support Group) Time: 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm Location: Virtual Event Date/time: 2nd Thursday of each month from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. PT Description:  This monthly peer support group brings people from across the province together around a shared experience of caregiving for a family member or friend. Registration: You must pre-register … Continued


Greater Victoria Caregiver Support Group at Yakimovich Wellness Centre (Free); Family Caregivers of BC

Caregiver Community Cafe Date: October 16, 2023 Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Location: In person: Yakimovich Wellness Centre, 1454 Hillside Ave, Victoria, BC or Streamed Virtually on Zoom Join us for a free cup of tea or coffee at our Fall Caregiver Café! Enjoy an inspiring presentation by Rosella Leslie about her journey and book: Losing Us – … Continued


Working Caregivers Connect: BC Virtual Support Group (Free); Family Caregivers of BC

Working Caregivers Connect: BC Virtual Support Group (Free) Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm Location: Virtual Event Date/Time: 4th Tuesday each month from 7:00pm- 8:30pm Description: We invite working caregivers to our  monthly peer support group for working caregivers. Please register for each instance of the support group you wish to attend. Registration Information: Register in advance here!  You will get … Continued


Diabetes Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management; Vancouver

Diabetes Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the province. … Continued


Chronic Conditions Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management

Chronic Conditions Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the … Continued


Chronic Conditions Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management; Vancouver

Chronic Conditions Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the … Continued

Diabetes Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management

Diabetes Self-Management Program; UVic Self-Management The In-Person Self-Management Programs are Self-Management BC’s traditional community programs. The program meets for 2.5-hour sessions over six weeks. You can join up to the second session. Adults with chronic health conditions, their family members and caregivers can participate in free self-management programs offered at community centres throughout the province. … Continued