Events from April 23, 2027 – November 12, 2027 – Education and Child Care Events from April 23, 2027 – November 12, 2027 – Education and Child Care

Actuarial Study – Appendix II

To support the requirements of the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act (BTAA), school districts must prepare a detailed census of employee benefits at each school district every three years. Templates and instructions will be emailed to each school district to fill in this information. Instructions 1. Read Actuarial Study Instructions and the Actuarial Study Considerations … Continued

Actuarial Study – Retirement Experience

The purpose of this data collection is to allow the actuary to analyze the usage of non-vested sick leave prior to retirement. Instructions Read Actuarial Study Instructions and the Actuarial Study Considerations for School Districts.   ***Coming Soon. These documents provide a summary of the requested data elements as well as a checklist to help each … Continued

Actuarial Study – Census Data

The purpose of this data collection is to provide the necessary census data to allow the actuary to value the post employment benefit liabilities. The accuracy and consistency of this data is essential for the valuation process. The data will be used to value both vested and non-vested post employment benefits. Instructions Read Actuarial Study … Continued