Events from November 10, 2022 – September 27, 2024 – Education and Child Care Events from November 10, 2022 – September 27, 2024 – Education and Child Care

First TRAX Data Submission – 2022/23

Your first TRAX data upload (DEM, CRS, XAM files) on the School Secure Web is to include: Initial Grades 10, 11 & 12 course registrations for the current school year Any unreported course completions from the summer or earlier Student registrations for the November session for Grade 10 and Grade 12 graduation assessments Accurate student demographic … Continued

Federal Safe Return to Class Fund (FSRTCF) Reporting

School districts are required to report on how their FSRTCF allocations were used for ventilation and filtration enhancements in schools. Instructions Complete the FRTCF Reporting Template and submit it to by November 30, 2022. Questions? Contact

Property Asset Records and Information

As per Ministerial Order 87/23, Boards must provide updated property asset records and information using the web-based Property Inventory Management System (PIMS) on or before August 31, 2023. Instructions See the Ministerial Order 87/23 for more information. Visit the Property Inventory Management System to provide property asset records and information. Questions? Please contact Ministry of Education … Continued

School Bus Inventory Report

To assist the ministry in its long-term planning and forecasting of bus replacements throughout the province, school districts must provide an update to their entire existing bus inventory each year in MyCAPS. Updates include adding buses that do not currently appear in the MyCAPS inventory as well as updating the 'Actual Kilometers' field for existing … Continued

Early Learning Reporting Tool

The Early Learning Reporting Tool is now available for the 2023-2024 school year. Please have your ELCC Leads complete this by October 1, 2024. Contact if you have any questions.

FSA Special Format Assessment Form

The Special Format Assessment Form is used to report the number of grade 4 and grade 7 students who need Large Print and Braille materials for the Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) administration. Instructions 1. Complete and submit the Special Format Assessment Form to by June 7, 2024. Questions? Email

Management Representation Letters

The Office of the Comptroller General requires that each crown corporation, agency, and SUCH sector entity supply a Management Representation Letter effective June 7, 2024. The purpose of this letter … Continued

Reporting Conditional District/Authority Scholarship Recipients

Each year school districts and the Federation of Independent School Associations (FISA) must report to the ministry their list of conditional recipients of the District/Authority scholarship. (Note: the ministry mails paper scholarship vouchers to recipients in the fall after confirming that all eligibility requirements have been met; please be familiar with those requirements and ensure student … Continued

Update Student Records for Scholarship Eligibility

August 31 is the deadline for student records to be updated so that eligible graduates, including those completing or upgrading during the summer, are considered for scholarships and receive those awards as appropriate. Please ensure grades and citizenship/permanent residency status are correctly reported. Instructions See this scholarship eligibility document for more details. Questions? Email