Events from February 21 – July 18 – Page 5 – Education and Child Care Events from February 21 – July 18 – Page 5 – Education and Child Care

Annual Practice Fee Deduction

Under section 168.2 of the School Act and section 14.1 of the Independent School Act, employers are required to deduct an annual practice fee from the wage of each certificate holder in their … Continued

Annual Practice Fee Remittance

Under section 37 of the Teachers Act, on or before May 15, employers are required to remit to the Ministry the annual practice fee they deducted from the wage of the certificate holders they employ. Instructions 1. Log in to the Employers’ Area for more information about the annual fee/payroll deduction requirement and submission instructions. Questions? Email if you … Continued

TRAX Final Submission of Grades – 2024/25

Transfer of marks is required by all schools. Accurate and timely data uploads will allow for the production of correct final year-end transcripts and graduation certificates. Instructions Further details will … Continued