Events from March 28 – July 18 – Education and Child Care Events from March 28 – July 18 – Education and Child Care

School District Amended Annual Budget

In accordance with the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act (BTAA), school districts are required to provide the Ministry with electronic and print copies of their amended annual budget. Updated after … Continued

Event-Driven Reporting

In April 2020, school districts were informed that the Province of B.C. had initiated a process for government organizations to record and report on financial transactions that are incremental to … Continued

Annual Facility Grant (AFG) Expenditure Plan

To comply with Treasury Board direction, each school district must annually provide the ministry with an Annual Facility Grant (AFG) project and spending plan prior to the allocation of AFG funding. Specifically, each school district’s plan will include a list of AFG projects and expenditures expected to be undertaken during the fiscal year (April 1 … Continued

BCTEA First Nation Student Transportation Reporting for the 2024/25 School Year

As committed to in the BC Tripartite Education Agreement, Boards of Education (Boards) and First Nations are required to report to the Ministry on the spending of First Nation Student Transportation Funding. This includes reporting on all school district transportation spending including funding used specifically to transport First Nation Students living on reserve to extracurricular activities. … Continued

School District Contact Information Request Regarding the 2025/26 Nominal Roll – Joint Verification Process

The Nominal Roll Joint Verification Process is a review conducted by First Nations and their local school districts, providing both parties an opportunity to meet and confirm that the information on the Nominal Roll is consistent with the district’s information (1701 – MyEdBC). Instructions All districts–not just those with Local Education Agreements or Nominal Roll … Continued

School District Annual Budget

Pursuant to sections 156 and 111 of the School Act, Boards of Education are required to prepare and submit an annual budget to the Minister. This is the Board's legal … Continued

Actuarial Calculation Tool

As required under Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAS), school districts must provide financial statement disclosure relating to their Employee Future Benefits Liability. The actuarial calculation tool, preloaded with the most … Continued

Event-Driven Reporting

In April 2020, school districts were informed that the Province of B.C. had initiated a process for government organizations to record and report on financial transactions that are incremental to … Continued