BC Excellence and Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarships Applications Due
Online applications for the BC Excellence and Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarships are due by 2:59 pm PST on February 15, 2024.
Online applications for the BC Excellence and Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarships are due by 2:59 pm PST on February 15, 2024.
As committed to in the BC Tripartite Education Agreement, Boards of Education (Boards) and First Nations have been asked to work together to determine First Nation Student transportation needs and to co-develop Joint First Nation Student Transportation Plans (“Joint Plans”), informed by guiding principles and criteria established by the BCTEA Parties. Questions? Please see the Ministry’s BCTEA … Continued
The Special Format Assessment Form is used to report the number of grade 4 and grade 7 students who need Large Print and Braille materials for the Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) administration. Instructions 1. Complete and submit the Special Format Assessment Form to EDUC.Fsascore@gov.bc.ca by June 7, 2024. Questions? Email EDUC.Fsascore@gov.bc.ca.
The Office of the Comptroller General requires that each crown corporation, agency, and SUCH sector entity supply a Management Representation Letter effective June 7, 2024. The purpose of this letter … Continued
Each year school districts and the Federation of Independent School Associations (FISA) must report to the ministry their list of conditional recipients of the District/Authority scholarship. (Note: the ministry mails paper scholarship vouchers to recipients in the fall after confirming that all eligibility requirements have been met; please be familiar with those requirements and ensure student … Continued
August 31 is the deadline for student records to be updated so that eligible graduates, including those completing or upgrading during the summer, are considered for scholarships and receive those awards as appropriate. Please ensure grades and citizenship/permanent residency status are correctly reported. Instructions See this scholarship eligibility document for more details. Questions? Email scholarships@gov.bc.ca.
To comply with Treasury Board direction and the School Act, each school district must provide the Ministry with a 5-Year Capital Plan submission for Minor Capital Programs. Included in this submission are the following funding programs: School Enhancement Program (SEP), Carbon Neutral Capital Program (CNCP), Playground Equipment Program (PEP), Bus Acquisition Program (BUS), and the … Continued
Special Assessments (Braille or Large Print) are provided to students who meet the criteria for designation as a student with a Visual Impairment as outlined in the Special Education Services: A … Continued
Accommodations are provided to students who meet the criteria for designation as a student who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing as outlined in the Special Education Services: A Manual of … Continued
A reminder that school districts can submit their 2025/26 child care capital project requests using the Capital Asset Planning System (MyCAPS). Minor capital child care project requests must be submitted … Continued
This report is required to help the ministry collect the number and location of portables throughout the province. Instructions The Portable Inventory is to be updated through MyCAPS by end of day September 30. Please visit the Capital Planning website and click on the Portable Inventory Instructions under Publications & Resources to access the portable inventory update instructions. … Continued
School districts are requested to update the school-level ventilation system overview reports on their websites with any new ventilation improvements and measures that have been implemented by September 30. If necessary, … Continued